Our Mission
To build the best shared gaming moments in the world
Our Vision
To build the best home for passionate game industry crafts people who want to push the boundaries of gaming for the long term
Our Values
These are the actions that we expect of each other as we do our daily work. Together they define who we are. Note: our five values are stack ranked. Where there is a conflict, the earlier value prevails.

Integrity and Citizenship
We do the right thing by our colleagues, our players, our partners, and the world around us. We take pride in our work by creating games and a workplace that represents who we are and what we value.

Care & Respect for Diversity
We are intentional about building the best home for talent from around the world. We treat others with kind consideration regardless of who they are, where they are from, or how they identify. We seek to build diversity into our games. We look after one another to ensure that a safe working environment for all of us means a safe working environment for each of us.

Be a Company Builder
We take initiative; we get things done and challenge the status quo to become a better company every day. We encourage big dreams. We invest in our talent, technology and tools for the long run. We make careful time and resource tradeoffs along the way. We always combine our creative and technical vision with sustainable business models.

Smart Player Focus
We seek the broadest feedback and study all available data to build delightful experiences for our players. We build fair and effective business models, earning the trust and spend from our players by delivering meaningful value for their money and time.

Passion for the Craft
We raise the bar. We pursue mastery across our disciplines. We live to innovate and push the boundaries of the industry. Our work oozes with craftsmanship and care for doing things well. We share feedback with honesty and compassion to help each other improve at all times.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
As an all-remote company, our games and team need to reflect the diversity of our world. To ensure every person can connect with our products, we commit to:

Representative Game Development
We strive to ensure our games have a wide cast of characters, cultures, and origins. We also do our best to engage with communities we are inspired by to ensure their voice directly informs our design process.

Inclusive Hiring Practices
We use inclusive recruiting strategies that have shown to improve hiring and retention of people from underrepresented communities.

Valuing our Talent
We publicly showcase team achievements and work, conduct performance reviews for career growth, share financial success through equity options and performance bonuses, and support team wellbeing.

Creating Safe Environments
We support safe spaces for team members from under-represented groups to speak freely about their experiences and how we as an organization can best support them. This includes employee resource groups for LGBTQIA+, women, BIPoC, and various native language.